Let's Amuse... Food & Restaurants

60% of diners browse food photos on social media. 

Of those, 75% chose a place to eat based on a restaurant's social media. (source: Zagat)

Don't be left out. Let us Amuse you to new and returning diners with top content. 

We offer full account management + content creation, or content creation (photography and/or videography) on its own.  

Food styling photography

For MixIt Cereals, Liberté yogurt, Glow Cleanse and more.

Restaurant photography + Account management

For Café Gentile, Restaurant Pastel, Marché des Éclusiers, Soubois, Ferreira Group, Café Parvis and more.

Feeling Amused?

Get a free quote, talk to us at canyou@amuse.us